Orico External HDD enclosures – Turning old hard drives into external hard drives
On 26 August 2021
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Turn that old hard drive into an external hard drive, in a few easy steps!
Thanks to the range of hard drive enclosures by Orico, using that old idle hard drive from that laptop or desktop you've just upgraded with an ssd drive or bigger capacity drive has never been easier.
If your hard drive is not ancient and still healthy, you can simply grab yourself one of Orico's external hard drive enclosures available in 2,5" inches (mostly used by laptops and gaming consoles) and 3.5" inches (mostly used by desktop computers, etc). These enclosures are available for purchase on our online store on this link
Although also available in 3.5"inch but for purposes of this post, we will be looking at the 2,5" inch external hard enclosures from Orico. These are convenient if you need a portable external hard drive that you can carry around to different locations.
So first, you will need an enclosure for your old hard drive. Assuming your old hard drive is 2,5" inches in size, then head over to our online store on this link and grab yourself one of Orico's 2,5"inch external hard drive enclosure available in various colours such as red, blue, black, silver and yellow - we'll deliver it to your doorstep within 3 - 5 working days. It is compatible with both USB 3.0 and 2.0 hard drives and supports up to 2TB capacity, great for your movie collection, or for backing up all your precious family videos and photos or just simply storing your xbox for playstation games to take along with you when visiting friends.
Easy, tool-free installation
After our friendly couriers have delivered your Orico hard drive enclosure, we may proceed to install your old hard drive into the enclosure and don't worry, because of it's tool-free installation design - you do not need any tools!
As per the first image above, grab the enclsoure with the palm of your hand, with the back cover facing upwards and gently press down the back cover whilst sliding it downwards.
The back cover will slide down and you can lift it off the enclosure. With the enclosure open, you may now insert your 2.5inch hard drive into the enclosure by sliding it upwards until it snaps into place (ensure the sata connectors are connecting into the sata ports on the enclosure)
Now you may take you back cover and close the enclosure by placing it in place and sliding it upwards to close the enclosure. Now your external hard drive is ready for use.
Connect your external hard drive to your computer and start using it as you would any portable external hard drive.
Madimetja Ledwaba
As a student with tight funds, I always needed a portable external hard drive and because I enjoy binging on movies and series, it had to be a good capacity drive. After using my funds on replacement laptop after my old one broke, my parents did understand why I still need more money for an external hard drive. I then purchased the Orico external hard drive enclosure from T-Labz Technologies and now I use it for all my study material, movies and series.
Tyrell AubreyÂ
I enjoy playing games on my pc and xbox console. After upgrading the storage on my PC, I needed to find a way to add more games on my console as my internal console drive was full. I was concerned about the speeds and performance I could get from the Orico external hard enclosure from T-Labz Technologies. Since it was way cheaper than buying a new external drive, i gave it a shot. Although the performance depends on your hard drive, I was quite impressed to see that the enclosure supports USB 3.0 and has great read and write speeds!
Jimmy Chile
I bought my Orico external hard drive enclosure from T-Labz Technologies a few months back. At the time, I had an old 250GB hard drive and needlessto say, I quickly filled this up to the brim with my backups of family photos and videos. I then acquired a 2TBÂ 2.5" inch internal hard drive from an old laptop and was worried this would not be compatible with my enclosure and to my suprise - It just worked and I'm still using it oto this day!